Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Countdown to Camp!

Please find the attached camp information linked below.  As many of us are excited for our Grade 8 camp activities, packing for a variety of weather will ensure a comfortable trip.  In addition to bringing items of need, we are also concerned about bringing our Grade 8 parents out to share in our experiences and help make this trip one to remember (in a good way).  The 8.3/8.4 pod is currently short on parent volunteers, if you are interested, please email Ms. Groeller (Jaime.G@calgaryscienceschool.com)

To save on paper, only the camp forms were sent home and digital copies can be found here:
Camp Sweet Overview, Menu and Packing List
Camp Sweet Itinerary
Camp Sweet Forms

Monday, August 27, 2012

Call for Parent Volunteers for Camp Sweet

Camp Sweet for the grade 8 classes is just around the corner!

8.1/8.2 - September 24-26
8.3/8.4 - September 26-28

Okay, it is still a month away, but that month will fly by! We need 5 parent volunteers for each trip, preferably a mix of moms and dads. As always, you must have the appropriate security clearance for this trip as you will be required to interact with the students, and it is overnight.

Miss Groeller  will be organizing the parent volunteers for both trips, so please email her if you are interested. (Just click on her name to email, or send an email to jaime.g@calgaryscienceschool.com.)

The Camp Booklet will be posted here on the website a.s.a.p.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friday Fun Lunches and Snack Attack Wednesdays

Please find the forms for the fun lunches and snack days below. A paper copy went home with all students as well. These forms must be submitted WITH PAYMENT by AUGUST 30. One payment per family is fine, but please indicate this on the forms.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Agendas Have Arrived!

Agendas were distributed to everyone today! 

Please have those conversations about staying organized and maintaining open communication regarding what is happening in classes and at the school in general.

Remember that while all students have an agenda, they may choose their own method of organization. That being said, they must choose one. iCal and GoogleCal are both accessible from the laptop, or on a mobiles device, and they can be shared with other people; so they make great choices.

Happy organizing!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Balzac Meats Fundraiser

Please find a link to the Balzac Meats order form. It has been sent home with youngest and only students as well.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Student Learner Profiles

In keeping with the best practices in Education, we are endeavouring to develop profiles for each student that will become a living document.  Through the course of the year, students will set goals, track achievements and in time see their own growth.  For this to work, students will need to:

1. Log into their Google Account
2. Open this link
3. Save a copy of this document in their GoogleDocs or Google Drive
4. Share this document with their teachers
5. Complete the initial sections to begin their profile.

This living document should be referred back to regularly and adjusted when significant successes or failures occur to best help the student plan their learning.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Parent Night Info

Hello all,

Thank you so much to all of those that were able to make it to our Meet the Teacher night!  For those that had drifted off in our droning voices, or for those that were unable to attend, please find the needed information in this linked PDF.  Please remember that all four Grade 8 teachers are available to meet for any reason and that IT IS NOT AN INCONVENIENCE for us when you email with concerns or requests for meetings.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Significant Upcoming Events

Hello All, 

Welcome back, and welcome to our Grade 8 Website! Here you will find school wide and grade wide notices and events. To find specific information regarding Humanities or Math/Science, please click the appropriate tabs above. Like many years prior, this year is similarly busy. Please note the following dates below:

    1. Picture Day – Thursday Aug 16
    2. Volunteer orientation - Thursday Aug 16 – 4:45pm
    3. Gear Swap - Thursday Aug 16 - during meet the teacher
    4. Camp Sweet work bee – Saturday Aug 18
    5. Camp Sweet Parent Orientation – Tuesday Aug 21
    6. Technology Orientation – Wednesday Sept. 5 – 6:00pm
    7. School Council Meeting - Wednesday Sept. 5 – 7:00pm
    8. Terry Fox Run – Thursday, Sept. 27